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Exchange & Conference
YLEC #7 | Youth Leaders Exchange and Conference Chapter Malaysia and Singapore



  • Minggu-Kamis, 26-30 Januari 2025
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Exchange & Conference

Hai, GoldNationers! 🌟  

Siapa di sini yang pengen kuliah S1 atau S2 ke luar neger...

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Exchange & Conference
YLEC #6 | Youth Leaders Exchange in Culture chapter Tokyo & Yokohama



  • Jepang, 21-24 November 2024

GoldNation Program for The Youths.

Our Program

GoldNation Outstanding Program

A great opportunity for people with a limited time to take onsite course and convert them to online courses. The aim is to prepare foreign language skills with high competence native tutors. Our language courses are English, Japanese, Turkish, Korean, Arabic, Mandarin, and German. Native class focuses on developing speaking skills. You can take the class to improve your speaking skills like a native!

An event initiated for youth from all over Indonesia to get the precious experience in exchange program. The aim is to produce new leaders with global capacity and international competitiveness to compete in the future. We have two types of YLEC program that are Youth Leaders Exchange and Conference and Youth Leaders Exchange in Culture. First type, delegation can sharing ideas and discuss current issues. While in the second type, delegation will explore more cross-cultural in the other countries and learn the local culture heritage.

An event that brings together young individuals from various countries to discuss and address global issues, promote cross-cultural understanding, and faster collaboration among young leaders. It serves as a platform for youth to exchange ideas, share experiences, and develop initiative solutions to the challenges facing the world.

Semi-academic program that combines elements of education in a fun trip. Initiated for junior & senior high school. The students will have an opportunity to visit and tour the university and be exposed to the cultural excursion by culinary, shop signature product, and immerse to the local culture heritage.

An event that brings youth to give concrete action to solve problems that arise in Indonesia through charity activities, campaigns, seminars, etc. The aim is to improve the quality of society life and the environment and to maintain good relationships with stakeholders. The programs will be implemented in outermost, underdeveloped, and innermost (3T) areas.

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Our Registranst

+ .

Our Delegation


Our Destination


Our Partner

The Best Moments

Summit Conference & Building Policy Recommendation

Look at how serious and passionate each delegate is when sharing their thoughts! One word, WOW.

Summit Conference & Building Policy Recommendation

The delegates also participated in a conference and came up with policy recommendations! How cool is that?

International Seminar

Our awesome speaker with the project officer from the GYLS program!

International Seminar

The delegates get the chance to attend an international seminar with some amazing speakers!

Departure To South Korea

Yay, we’ve arrived in South Korea! Time for a photo at Incheon International Airport!

Departure To South Korea

Let’s not forget Group 3, which is full of awesome ladies!

Departure To South Korea

Groups Future of Work and Sustainable Environment and Lifestyle are all set to learn a lot from the 'Negeri Gingseng', South Korea.

Departure To South Korea

안녕 하세요! GYLS's team ready to explore South Korea!

Explore Bali

The incredible service of these amazing people in Julah Village, Buleleng, Bali, has come to an end. See you at the top, inspiring people!

Explore Bali

Don't forget to wear your sunglasses in the midst of Bali's radiant beauty, hihi!

Explore Bali

Let's take photos as mementos at one of Bali's beautiful iconic spots!

Explore Bali

On this last day, the volunteers explored Bali together before parting ways.


Smiles filled with happiness after completing the series of service.


It looks like so much fun to receive awards while spreading kindness!


Congratulations to the volunteers who received awards!


The award categories aren't just for individuals, but also for teamwork!


What Our Delegate Have To Say

Selama YLEC, banyak sekali ilmu dan pengalaman yang saya dapat, YLEC membuat saya bertemu dengan orang2 baru yang hebat yang saya anggap keluarga sendiri. Pesan saya untuk para delegasi, terus berjuang dan lakukan yang terbaik! untuk kakak kakak goldnation, terima kasih banyak sudah memberi saya kesempatan hebat ini, love you all!

Najma Maulidya Zahira

Banyak sekali yang didapatkan dari program sekeren ini terutama bisa dapat keluarga baru dengan banyak background tapi tetep mau berbagi satu sama lain sehingga menambah wawasan baru, kekeluargaan di program YLEC ini jempol banget dimana proses belajar dan proses berkembang kita lalui bersama, kegiatan dari pra hingga pasca kegiatan sangat nambah pengalaman mulai dari pembuatan projek, conference sama NUS dan juga conference langsung secara offline. The best lah YLEC, Super grateful and proud to be a part of this program, see you in another good times all delegates, thank you YLEC for the opportunity, success always for GoldNation!!🤩

Adam Merdeka

Next gold generation-nya Indonesia bisa banget sih ikut program seperti ini, Public Speaking, Leadership, Relasi, Ilmu Sosial-Budaya-Sejarah, bakal dapet semua. Solidaritas tiap delegasi sangat terbaik dan CEO dengan para tim panitia memang mengajak untuk menumbuhkan kedekatan, gak hanya mementingkan diri sendiri, tapi bisa bekerja untuk tim. Destinasi dengan study tour seimbang, so far keren banget. Makasih Goldnation!


Seru abis dehh bisa kenal sama orang orang keren, yang awalnya aku insecure. Setelah bisa membaurkan diri ternyata aku bisa cerita-cerita dan berbagi pengalaman dengan delegasi-delegasi yang hebat ini!

Azriela Kesia Agustaputri

YLEC memberikan hal-hal positif di awalntahun 2023. Memberikan wadah berfikir tanpa batasan. Mengenalkan hal baru yang sangat menarik, serta memberikan ruang untuk menjalin pertemanan. Selama 6 hari, YLEC tidak pernah tidak memberikan hal baru. Hal itu selalu saya syukuri karena menjadi salah satu delegasi YLEC.


suatu kebanggaan buat diri sendiri sudah diberikan opportunity untuk mengikuti YLEC dari sini ak mendapatkan keluarga baru dan juga wawasan baru yg blm pernah ak dapetin sebelumnya, dari sini aku bener bener termotivasi akan banyak hal dan ingin belajar lebih lebih lgii, cz in this world there are so many great people and i didn't realize before!


Aku bersyukur banget karena YLEC, aku jadi belajar banyak dari sebuah relasi baik itu dalam bentuk akademik maupun non akademik. Rasanya 6 hari 5 malam itu kurang banget, butuh waktu yang lebih lama lagi karena asik, seru dan keren banget acara ini. Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step in life, thank u goldnation.

Desfara Anggreani

YLEC punya tim dan delegates yang super fun and supportive which makes every moments remarkable. Bahagia dan proud banget bisa berpartisipasi menjadi salah satu delegates dalam program ini 🫶🏻

Serafine Christabel Beatricia

Menjadi delegasi YLEC dan mendapatkan kesempatan bertukar pikiran dengan 30+ extraordinary youths dari segala penjuru nusantara merupakan pengalaman yang tak terlupakan, semoga gold nation dapat terus menjadi wadah pemberdaya pemuda/i indonesia kedepannya.

Suci Engels Wulandari
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